(910) 444-2229

When Angels Return

Saturdays are usually crazy busy days at the shop. I am always swamped with back to back client sessions while Kyle relaxes and runs the shop…LOL!  This particular Sat was much like every other.  I had just finished a phone reading and had returned to the front to see what was going on.  There were clients already in the Salt Sanctuary and I wanted to check in with Kyle to see how they were making out.  When I got to the counter there was a gift bag waiting for me.  Kyle informed me that it was a birthday gift from a client who was in the Salt Sanctuary.  Kyle said, “She said you would know exactly what it was”.  I was curious and immediately looked in the bag.  As I gently moved the tissue paper I caught a glimpse of two little heads…light green Cherub heads to be exact. I knew instantly what it was and tears began to fill my eyes!  There are no words to explain the emotions I felt in that moment.  I can only compare it to seeing an old friend after many, many years.  I kept saying, “This can’t be…it can’t be”!  Kyle, of course, had no idea what I was talking about but reminded me that the gift giver said I would know exactly what it was.  I lifted it out of the bag and sure enough there they were!  In my hands I held two precious little green cherubs with a candle in the middle. I just couldn’t control my emotions.  “It just can’t be…this isn’t similar….this is the actual one”!  “How can this be”, I cried.  I removed the glass with the candle and there it was the little chip that I had made so many years ago.  I turned it around to take a closer look.  Mine had a little discoloration and one wing had a line of darker green on it.  YEAPH…it is mine!  This was actually mine!  I just could not stop the tears! Every time I looked at it the emotions just overwhelmed me! This wasn’t LIKE mine…it was MINE!  In that moment I was standing in my old house, in my old healing center.  I remember all those moments I spent crying begging the Universe to explain to me why all the bad things were happening and how I was suppose to “fix it”. I remembered how helpless I felt. I remember how after years of fighting to save my house I made the heartbreaking decision of walking away.  In that moment I saw me in my new life!  I saw all the wonderful things I created.  I realized how letting go so many years ago had made it all possible!

It was over 5 years ago when I decided to leave the craziness of NY behind I had some really tough decisions to make.  My intuition, guides, angels (whatever you feel comfortable calling it) made it very clear I had to LET IT GO!  That meant the house, almost all my possession, the safety of all the people I knew and on and on!  At that time I was also told during a meditation to let go of all my angels (and let me tell you I had a huge collection!)  While I loved them all there was one in particular I adored. The funny thing is I don’t really know why but I started thinking about it a few weeks ago.  Even funnier is with all the suppliers I use for the shop I have NEVER come across anything similar let alone a replacement.  Now here it was!  Here was MY piece!  The one I let go so many years ago!

July was a very interesting month.  It was great because it was my birthday month and ya all know how much I LOVE my birthday month.  However, there was also a lot of letting go of the old. There also was a lot of tough decisions that needed to be made about where I am heading and lots of reminders about how far I have come.  Personally I have always found that letting go always brings up fear and I was definitely feeling the fear.  Am I making the right choices?  What if things don’t work the way I want them to?  I don’t know if this makes sense but when I looked into that bag and saw MY angels it was as if the Universe wanted to let me know it was all unfolding exactly the way it is meant to.  It was as if the Universe wanted to remind me of how wonderful my life turns out when I let go.  And most importantly it wanted to remind me that…no matter what gets taken away the Universe returns to you 10 fold!  All ya need to do is LET GO.

Ps…I cannot thank my wonderful client Carol for returning my beautiful angels to me.  She had bought them from me years ago when I was selling everything in preparation for my move to North Carolina.  She said she remembered me telling her how special they were!  She told me she felt like this was the perfect time for them to be returned to me.  I cannot thank her enough!  Even as I type this I know that there are just no words to truly express my appreciation!