(910) 444-2229

We are truly living through unprecedented times.  There is no rule book, no “how-to”, and no one to ask “so what did you do when you went through this”.  Things are changing day by day and sometimes hour by hour. We are on a roller coaster of emotions. One minute we are so proud of ourselves for looking at all the positive (spending more time with family, getting downtime, learning new skills, really getting to go within and think about what is important).  The next minute we are in a full-blown anxiety attack (will I get sick, will someone I love get sick, how will I pay my bills, what will happen to my job/my business, and on and on). The peak, the curve, the leveling off, distancing, staying home, DON’T touch your face, don’t bother wearing a mask, WAIT to wear a mask, it all feels so out of control.  What are we to do?

For so many of us when one thing in our life seems out of control we look for other areas to focus on.  We look for places to escape (the ocean, the mountains, the lake, a movie, coffee with a friend). Now all of that has been taken away.  No going to the beach. You must stay inside. Don’t go near anyone as you may infect them. Restaurants, bars, movie theaters are all closed!  All we can do is sit and wait. The silence is so deafening you can’t help but hear your own thoughts.  

Our lives will never be the same.  We will never get back to normal. Those are just the facts!  No one wants to say it but it is true. It is time to say goodbye to life as we knew it.  But guess what? We WILL eventually get back to a new normal.  We will be stronger.  We will re-prioritize.  Yes, we will have to let go of some things that it may not be so easy to let go of.  However, in the end, we will get through it.  We will mourn all those we have lost as we have done in every tragedy before this.  We will step into that moment where it will be time to look ahead as we leave all of this behind.

Yes, it is time to say goodbye to life as we knew it.  It is also time to say goodbye to the blinding fear and uncertainty. It is time to allow ourselves to imagine life on the other side of this horrible moment in time.  It is time for us to just take a few moments every day to imagine doing all the things we love once again. It is by using the power of our mind and the power of our thoughts that we can stay out of fear and uncertainty and truly support ourselves in moving forward.

Remember, when we focus on the problem we create more of the problem.  It is only when we focus on the solution as if it has already happened that we can make the shift.

Remember, you are more powerful than you know.  

Stay safe!  Stay Calm! Stay Amazing!

PS…If you would like more information on how we are energetically being affected by this virus,  please take a moment to watch my video… “The Energy of Corona”