(910) 444-2229

Have I mentioned that these crazy times are just going to keep rolling on and on and on?  If you think things are crazy now, just wait till the fall time!  Now you may think I am being negative?  NOPE!  I just prefer to live in the world of reality.  I choose to prepare myself for what lies ahead so that I can make good choices and stay in my happy space!  Do you want to stay in your happy place?

Before continuing please take a moment to turn off your TV, and social media, tell Alexa to pause and allow yourself this time to read the rest of the blog without interruption.  I promise you all the craziness will still be there when you are done reading this!  Ready?  Let’s chat!

The fact is, nobody is going to hand you your happiness on a silver platter (regardless of what some want you to believe). Happiness comes from within and NOT from the things, people, and situations around you.  That is some really great news because guess what?  That means that you can choose to be happy no matter what!  Wow!  Isn’t that relief.  Your happiness awaits so let’s jump right in…

Here are 7 Keys to Happiness 
These keys will help you through these next few months or maybe even for the rest of your life (the choice is yours).

Focus on the positive
Yes, there is always something positive going on somewhere.  Today someone celebrated the birth of their child, someone got engaged, someone landed their dream job, someone did something wonderful for someone else, and on and on.  Yes, there is always something positive!  Sometimes you just have to look beyond all the negativity to see it.

Find your balance
Balance requires boundaries.  Boundaries require using the no word.  You are the only one who can set those boundaries in order to find your balance. Start today by using the no word! You will be glad you did!

Be creative
Go do something fun and creative. Give your mind a rest.  Step outside of your comfort zone. Buy a coloring book.  Take an art class.  Learn to play an instrument. Do something that feeds your soul.

Accept imperfection
The truth of the matter is that there is no such thing as perfection.  It seems so hard nowadays as everyone is pretending to live their perfect life.  However, that is honestly nothing new.  I remember watching old TV shows like “Leave it to Beaver” (I know I am old).  Everyone just had the perfect family, the perfect holidays.  In reality, life was never quite like that.  We need to stop expecting perfection. IT DOES NOT EXIST!

Live in the moment
Stop living life ahead of the moment you are in.  That doesn’t mean you can’t set goals for yourself or plan things for the future.  It means you need to stop worrying about tomorrow.  It means you need to stop waiting for the next moment hoping it will be better.  You need to make the most of the moment that you are in.

Surround yourself with happy and positive people
Have you ever been with a group of people and all of a sudden “that person” walks in?  You know the one who is always drama and always complaining.  Isn’t it amazing how they can bring down the entire mood of the room in under 30 seconds.  Well, the good news is a positive person can bring up the entire mood of a room the same way.  Imagine what you would feel like in a room of positive people!  

Can you imagine how different things would be right now if everyone just worried about themselves and stopped telling everyone else what to do, what they should think, and how to act?  OH MY…what a wonderful world it would be.  Seriously.  Give yourself permission to just do you!  

Now get off your phone or computer and go do something that feeds your soul.  Oh yeah…and while you are at it go sign up for my FREE Tues night Happy Hour with Guided Meditation.  It’s’ done via zoom so you have no excuses (you don’t even need to leave your house).

And….don’t worry, be happy!