(910) 444-2229

Okay, folks, this is it!  The fall is here!  During the next three months (Oct, Nov, and Dec) the energy is going to FULLY support you in LETTING GO!  That is my nice way of saying, “Hold on to your hats…the ride is about to get a little bumpy”. Now don’t worry, we are in this together!  Remember we are letting go of all the things that no longer serve us.  We are letting go of things that will not serve us in moving forward.  We are letting go of old belief systems as well!  Oh yeah, we are also letting go of some things that we may not realize we need to let go of (those are the tricky ones).  Double ugh!

Here are 3 quick surviving/thriving techniques to happily get ya through to the end of the year:

  1. Don’t take it personally.  Remember EVERYONE is going through the same shifting and letting go. However, not everyone understands what is happening.  As a result, a lot of people are feeling OVERLY emotional, stressed, and angry. If you are feeling like people are taking their “stuff” out on you?  That is because THEY ARE!  Deep breaths!  Trust me I know first-hand how hard it is to keep smiling when you feel you are the punching bag for the frustration of others. Honestly, I have to tell you I sometimes still struggle with this one! I try to remind myself that they truly have no clue they are transferring their “stuff” onto me and then I send them some much-needed white light.  Oh, and forget the apologies…you will not be getting many of those through this transition!  So just let it go:)
  2.  Keep your circle SMALL. During this letting go shift it will be to your benefit to keep your circle small!  No need to invite in unnecessary drama.  Also, choose your small circle wisely!  Be sure to choose the people you know will give it to you straight! Choose those who are willing to take turns talking and listening. Remember during this time you may need to adjust your circle and that is okay!
  3. Keep the balance.  This is not a time for overextending yourself.  You want to make sure you are keeping things in balance, focusing on what you need, and saying NO when you mean no!  This is a GREAT time to put a daily ritual into place (if you haven’t already done so)!  Take a few moments each morning to set the tone for your day.  Take some time during the day for yourself (even if it is 5 minutes to step outside).  End your day by taking a moment to let go of the things that caused you stress before going to sleep! Listen to some relaxing music or guided meditation before you go to sleep.

These three simple tips can help you to sail through the next few months! Print it, post it on your mirror, read it throughout the day!  I am telling you…we got this!