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Well, that was fun!  In just 6 days 2021 turned out to be even more insane than 2020.  Are we honestly shocked?  I think not!  Folks we are in the middle of an insane energy shift.  Unfortunately, we just don’t seem to be getting the message.  It’s actually so simple.  Yet, for some reason, we just seem to be ignoring the gigantic elephant in the room. So let me give it to you straight.

We are all one!  We need to love and support one another!  There you have it!  Until we learn to work together and respect one another NOTHING is going to change.  I have said a million times, we can’t fight hate with hate!  It cannot be done!   NO, this is not a political statement.  This is a human statement. The problem is not Politics, Religion, or any of the other million issues we seem to be battling over. The problem is we still do not understand who we truly are.

I am currently working on a project that I am super excited about.  I am building an online Spiritquest Community!  It will be a wonderfully uplifting safe space where we can all come together to support, inspire, and empower each other. Recently, I was moving all of my blogs over (and WOW there are a LOT of them).  As I was moving them I was re-reading them and that is when I had a shocking realization.  I have not spent nearly enough time talking about energy. As a result, I have decided to dedicate this year (the year of change)  to energy!  

You are energy.  You are a beautiful being of light.  Just like a flower needs water to grow and thrive, you need positive uplifting energy to keep your light shining bright.  This current phase of insanity that we are in is distracting us from what is truly important.  We need to REMEMBER who we truly are.  The funny thing is we all feel like the world is ending and we seem to think that this has all happened overnight.  The truth is, it has been going on for decades (maybe even centuries)!  In fact, as I was moving my blogs over and I was reading blog after blog about respecting each other, not bullying each other, changing our mindset, taking responsibility, the victim mentality, and on and on and on.  I thought, “OMG, I have literally been talking and warning about this for the last 20 years”.  Bad news….not sure anyone has actually been listening to me (lol).  Good news…it HAS been going on for a long time and we are all still here!  So clearly the world is not going to end.  

I don’t know about you but I really don’t want to just survive.  I want to thrive!  I want to thrive no matter what is going on around me!  I want to help others to thrive!  I want to lead by example.  I want to take responsibility for my choices.  I want to respect others even when I don’t agree with them.  I want to speak freely and openly without fearing this cancel culture world we now find ourselves in.  I want to live my life and make the choices that are right for me.

I know it sounds like a great fantasy.  However, I know for a fact it can be done because I have done it before and I can do it again.  Do you want to join me?  Do you want to thrive no matter what?  Do you want to lead by example, let go of fear, and LIVE YOUR LIFE?  

Let’s get started!

  1.  Every morning when you wake up start by setting the tone for the day with a positive thought (today is going to be a great day).
  2. While you are taking a shower or brushing your teeth, take a moment to surround yourself with a wonderful bubble of healing white light.  
  3. Throughout the day check-in with yourself and make sure you are feeling happy and energetic (if not STOP and go do something, read something or listen to something to uplift and inspiring).
  4. If something bad or upsetting happens, stop breathe, take a moment to process, and then give yourself permission to start again.  Allow yourself to return to that space of peace, hope, and good energy.  Don’t allow anyone else to take that away from you.
  5. Do something positive for someone each and every day (this can be as simple as saying a prayer for someone, sending them some positive energy, or taking them to dinner).
  6. Prepare for your sleep time.  Before you get ready for bed have a cup of tea, run a diffuser with some relaxing essential oils, watch an inspirational show, or listen to relaxing music.
  7. Before you go to sleep at night simply imagine yourself with little strings coming out of your body.  Be aware that each one of these strings is a connection you created to someone else’s energy throughout the day.  Take a moment to disconnect all those strings.
  8. Before you close your eyes set an intention for your sleep time (tonight I focus on bringing balance to my body, mind, and spirit OR tonight I focus on a feeling of peace).
  9. The next day….REPEAT

I don’t want to brag but I am the Queen of getting up after getting knocked down! I am the Queen of picking myself up and dusting myself off and moving on. I am the Queen of bouncing back each and every time someone has done something to intentionally hurt me.  As a result, I taught myself how to take my power back! I taught myself how to THRIVE and not just survive!  That is how I became the Queen of Manifestation!  Now I am inviting you to join me on a magical journey this year! A journey of creating the life you want and the life you deserve to have.  Now I am going, to be honest.  It won’t always be easy.  There will be times you will want to quit. There will be times where it will be easier to just give up, give in, and blame others. However, I can promise you one thing.  IF you are willing to do the hard work you will THRIVE!  

Join me…and remember…we got this!