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Can you feel it?  Can you feel the shift that is happening?  Things are moving quickly!   Opportunities are all around us (as long as you are willing, ready, and able to let go of what is not working).  I am loving the energy of this March!  Maybe it is because this is the month I founded Spiritquest way back in 1999! Happy 24th Birthday Spiritiquest!  Now let’s take a closer look at the wonderful energy of March!

March is the beginning of Spring.  It is a time of renewal and rebirth!  It is the ideal time for letting go of the past and embracing new beginnings.  

March is the month associated with the Pisces Zodiac Sign which is a sign that is intuitive, sensitive, and compassionate.  What a great time to tap into your own intuition, and empathy.  It is also a great time to connect with others on a much deeper level.

In some Spiritual traditions, March is associated with the divine feminine.  What a great time to honor the feminine aspects of yourself and tap into your nurturing, creative energies.

March is also associated with the Spring Equinox (a time when the day and night are roughly equal in length).  This is a wonderful time to focus on finding balance and harmony in your life.

What are you going to do with the wonderful energy of this month?  What do you need to let go of?  Are you ready to listen to your inner voice?  Are you ready to show yourself some love and nurturing?  Are you ready to find balance in your life?

Happy March!