(910) 444-2229

Be  sure to read till the end for your free gift:)***

Oh boy, can you believe it? Another year older, another year wiser (well, maybe). It’s birthday month, people! This year, I’m hitting the big 5-7. Yes, you read that right! I know, I don’t feel a day over 40!  Well, most days at least. Some mornings, I wake up and feel like I am 100! LOL!

Seriously though, where does the time go? It’s been forever since I last wrote a blog. Life’s been a whirlwind, juggling more hats than a magician at a hat convention. It’s funny how on paper, it seems like there’s oodles of time to get everything done. My husband says my mantra is, “I needed it done yesterday, and it needs to fit in our piggy bank!” He’s probably onto something there. LOL!

Between my daily private sessions, the free Tuesday night Zoom spectacular, podcasting (well, when I’m not skipping weeks – oops), running a retail shop, exploring my green thumb in the garden, and being everything from a wife to a grandma to a sister (and don’t forget my role as Chief Furbaby Wrangler to our lovable Bear), let’s just say I’m keeping busy. Oh, and I’m tackling a new POS and booking system solo after the web debacle of last year. DIY all the way, baby!

But this year, I made a pact with myself. I solemnly swore that my “Wheel of Life” would reign supreme. What is a “Wheel of Life”?  Think of it like a giant pie chart of life slices. Each slice is a different facet of life, and you gotta divvy up those slices evenly. Problem is, we’re often so busy slicing up pieces for everyone else, we forget to cut ourselves a hefty slice of the pie. I’m all about that Wheel of Life with my clients; it helps you pinpoint what’s important to you and what needs a little TLC. Rating each slice from 1 to 10 shows you where to sprinkle some extra magic. Like, adding more FUN? Heck yeah!

But here’s the kicker: letting go of what’s not working and making room for what truly rocks is harder than wrangling a hyperactive dog (named BEAR). Trust me, been there, done that. So, three quick hacks:

  1. Learn to say NO. Seriously, imagine a young child running towards the road.  You see it and you scream NOOOOOO! The child stops and you save them from being hit by a car!  Did saying NO make you a mean or bad person?  Of course not!  Sometimes we need to say NO – saying NO doesn’t make you a party pooper.
  2. Pencil yourself in! None of that “next week I’ll…” nonsense. The problem is when “next week” comes your already busy and you never get to the thing you wanted to do.  Skip ahead!  Reserve that pottery class, lunch, or trip  a month in advance. Commit!
  3. Stop the procrastination parade. Life’s too short for “someday”. Yesterday, I was 30, and now I’m pushing 60! Years ago I promised myself that I would never look back on my life and say, “I wish I had _____”.  Today is the most important moment you have!  Live your life today, not someday.

As I gear up to blow out 57 candles, I’m so excited for what lies ahead. Grateful for the rollercoaster ride that’s shaped me into who I am today. Above all, I’m thankful I stuck to my guns all those years ago and chased my dreams of helping others. Here’s to more adventures, more laughs, and more life – today and every day!

***OH and you know I love giving out gifts on my birthday!  So here is my “Life Coaching Workbook” with…you guessed it the WHEEL OF LIFE!  Enjoy!