(910) 444-2229

What will you be remembered for?

Feb 2009 DH Canvas This morning is a cold wet day.  The landscape is covered in ice and the temperature is a low 25 degrees.  As I am driving down the road I am thinking about the irony of it all.  An ice storm hit the night before causing so many accidents, downing...

Happy New Year 2009

Jan 2009 DH Canvas I could not decide what to write about this month.  At first I wanted to do an uplifting piece to start the year off right.  Next I thought I really need to address the MAJOR issues going on in this country.   Then I heard how more people than ever...

A time for giving…to yourself!

Dec 2008 DH Canvas We are nearing that time of year when everyone begins to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of the holiday season.  Wouldn’t it be great if this year you could completely enjoy the holiday AND be stress free?  Well you can! The holidays are a...

Seriously Speaking

Sept 2008 DH Canvas Maybe I should call this article “Seriously Speaking”. Okay time for a Spiritual Reality check.  I have to tell you I am so tired of hearing everyone feeding into the trauma and drama over the state of the economy.  People are using the economy as...

A time for letting go

Aug 2008 DH Canvas Native Americans use the Medicine Wheel which symbolizes the individual journey we must take to find our own path.    There are Four Cardinal Directions and the Four Sacred Colors within the Medicine Wheel.  The Circle represents the Circle of Life...