(910) 444-2229

For years I have said that Spiritquest is a place for everyone.  It doesn’t matter what your political views are, your religion, your race, your sexual orientation, what planet you are from (that’s a joke…or not…lol), etc.  However, this last year has been very eye-opening for me. In fact, it was so eye-opening it made me realize that I have been lying! UGH….my biggest pet peeve in life is people who lie! Now here I am at the front of the lying line.  Please, allow me to explain.

In the last year, there have been several times when I have had to check the calendar to make sure I was indeed living in 2019 and not 1919.  I remember one lovely church-going woman who told her friend that she refused to go into “THAT PLACE” (meaning my beautiful Spiritquest) because she heard it was owned by a Psychic!  Wow! I thought it was owned by a very successful independent mother of 2 who has taken everything life has thrown at her and not only survived but learned how to flourish. I guess I was wrong (NOT).  Then there was the person who told me that her friend saw her car in the Spiritquest parking lot and said, “I can’t believe you go into that place! You know that woman is a witch and does the work of the devil, right?”  Now in that person’s defense, I have been called a witch many times and I don’t think they were referring to the mystical witch as much as my sometimes charming personality (bahahaha)! My all-time favorite to this day was when a friend of mine went into a local bank to make a deposit. The bank teller informed him that she was “praying for his soul” along with her church group.  She heard he was working NEAR me (not with me, mind you) and she was apparently worried about the devil worship I do. I am telling you, you can not make this stuff up. Most days I can laugh it off and just chalk it up to fear and extreme ignorance. Then there are those other days when it does get to me. Honestly, I find it really sad that we live in a world where people are blinded by their fear and ignorance.  It saddens me that with all I have accomplished in my life, all I have survived and all I do for my community I am still judged for what I do and I am put in a place (or at least they TRY to put me in a place) of defending myself. In fact, it was exactly one of those moments that led me to my big epiphany about lying. 

One day I was sharing the latest “Lisa Ann is a white/gray/black devil-worshiping God-hating chicken sacrificing spell casting witch” story with Kyle.  Now I have to interject here that things don’t affect Kyle the same way they do me (hence why he is my rock). So as I am going on and on about my frustration in trying to understand what the heck is wrong with people, he just looked at me and in his calm annoying Kyle way said, “Babe Spiritquest is just not for everyone.”  ((((((PAUSE)))))))) What?????? I continued reminding him that Spiritquest welcomes everyone and we don’t judge and we don’t tell you what to think and on and on. As the words were pouring out of my mouth, my mind was saying, “You know he is right”. On another side note may I just tell you how annoying it is living with someone who is ALWAYS right (please don’t tell him I told you that).  Yeaph, he was right and that is when I realized I had been lying all along.

Now, may I just say something, only because I can’t take how ridiculous some of the stuff that gets back to me is. First of all, at least meet me before you judge me.  I have plenty of qualities you can choose to not like (seriously…lol)! If you don’t understand what I do, be brave enough to come ask me! Now for all the gossipers out there, you may be interested to know that I was actually raised Catholic!  In fact, I went to Catholic school for a few years. I was married in a church (and it did not come crumbling down when I entered). Even more shocking, I actually TAUGHT religious education for several years to kids (yes, at the time I was teaching, I was a professional psychic). Breathe…breathe. I have a giant picture of the Blessed Mother in my office.  I wear a Blessed Mother medal pinned to my bra (my Grandmother, God rest her soul, made me do that years ago to protect me from people like you…interesting now that I think about it). Most shocking (for some people), I have NUNS that refer people to me. I will pause a moment for those of you who just spit out your coffee!

So you may ask yourself, “Gee Lisa Ann where is this all coming from. You have been in business for 20 years (as you keep reminding us) so this can’t be the first time you have run into this”?  You are right. This is not the first time I have run into bullying, ignorance, and fear. I remember back in 2003 an advertising company that refused to allow me to advertise on the menus they were doing for a local restaurant because the word “Psychic” was on their can’t use that word list. In 2005 an insurance company dropped me as they refused to cover someone who did “the work I do”. In 2014 the publisher of a NEW AGE magazine suggested that my hair was too dark and it made me look to Wiccan (for the record I have nothing against Wiccans, I am just not one) and I should use a different photo to promote my business (that magazine is no longer in existence).  HUMMMM?????? My point is that you are right, this is nothing new. So why bring it up now? Because it is the YEAR OF AUTHENTICITY! It is time to be loud, be proud and show the world who we truly are! No excuses! No apologies! 

So there you have it! I have now realized I have been lying all along.  Spiritquest is NOT for everyone. Spiritquest is for those who understand and respect that each person’s journey is their own.  It is for those who respect everyone’s right to have an opinion, a belief, a way of life (even when you don’t necessarily agree with it). It for those who understand a BULLY is a BULLY and religion does not negate the fact that you are a gossiping bully. It is for those who wake up every day choosing to be the change and not the problem.  It is for those who wish to step into their joy, spread love and live their best possible life!

Now here is the great news!  For those of you who can completely relate to this blog, for those of you who battle against judgment (of whatever kind) HANG IN THERE!  2020 is bringing in some major shifts! The bullies are experiencing their final days of bullying as more and more people take their power back by speaking out! Know that you are NOT alone.  Know that love is ALWAYS stronger than hate. Know that you are BEAUTIFUL and WONDERFUL just the way you are!


PS1…to the gossiping bullies, you know, those of you who won’t come into my shop, have no idea who I am or what I am about but wonder how authentic I am;  I am authentic and psychic enough to know you creep on my website and blog so this blog is dedicated to you🙂

PS2…pass it along…I have decided that moving forward I will publically be posting emails and nasty messages that I get attacking me for the WONDERFUL work I do.  After all, it is the year of Authenticity and you shouldn’t be afraid to show YOUR true Authentic self, right BULLIES? Right!