In all the years I have been doing Readings and Healing work there is still one thing that fascinates me more than anything else. That is how long people hold onto anger. Seriously…it is insane. I have had people sit down next to me and you can literally feel the anger coming off of them. Then you start talking to them and you realize that they are still steaming mad over something that happened like 20 years ago! WHAT!
Now having said that I do think there are times when all of us have had a hard time moving past something that someone said or did to us (myself included). So lets get right to it and allow me to share how I move forward and let go. More importantly let me tell you why you should just let go of the anger and move forward.
First of all anger is not good for your health. Energetically it is destroying you. Don’t think so…go hang around with a really angry person. See for yourself how well there life is going and how fulfilled they are.
Two holding on to anger keeps you from moving forward. How can you possibly manifest and attract good things into your life when all you are doing is thinking about something that happened that made you mad? Seems pretty counter-productive, doesn’t it? Remember your thoughts create your experiences!
Three, and the most important, when you hold on to anger you are basically saying “YOU WIN” to the person that caused the anger. You are saying, “Yeah, that’s right I am not at all in control of my life, your words and actions control my life and how I feel about myself, so I am just going to sit here being mad and continue to give you all my power”. Seems a bit insane doesn’t it? And guess what? I can almost guarantee you that the person that did that thing like 20 years ago doesn’t care! You are not even a thought in that persons mind. You are spending all this time and energy being mad and that person is happily going on with their lives!
So how do you let go of anger? You ask yourself, “How is holding on to this anger having a positive impact in my life?” You have to get real with yourself and truly decide if you want to take control of your life or if you would just prefer to sit there and be angry. The choice IS yours and there is no judgement here. But let me ask you this….Why would you want to give your power away, why would you choose anger over having a wonderful happy life AND why do you not think you deserve to be surrounded by love and peace?
Stop what you are doing right now and think about something you are angry about. Ask yourself how holding on to this anger is helping you in a positive way. Make the decision to make a better choice! Say “I am CHOOSING to let go of this anger, not because what happened was okay but because I refuse to give my power to anything that does not serve my highest good. I am CHOOSING to let go of this anger because I prefer to be in a constant state of positivity in my thoughts and actions. I am CHOOSING to let go of this anger because I love myself.”