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Whenever people ask me how I got into all this (meaning the Psychic “stuff”) I talk about my grandmother Jennie. When she passed in the early 90’s she immediately started coming to me in dreams and telling me things that were going to happen. I always like to add that the things she told me were not warm and fuzzy.  I say that because if what she was telling me was positive I would have thought it was my imagination or my wishful thinking.  Trust me, it wasn’t.

Several years later I would find myself dealing with a level of stress that I had never experienced before. As a result I decided to take a 12 week Spiritual Class.  I had no idea at the time how that one decision would set my life’s journey in a totally new direction. The teacher was a nurse and healer and her husband was a professional psychic.  Over the next few weeks I was introduced to everything from meditation, to tarot, to astrology and so much more.  I was loving it!  Not only was I learning to better deal with the stress I was under but the change I was undergoing was apparently noticeable to those around me.  In fact, several of my friends inquired about the “medication” I was taking.  When I explained that I was actually taking mediTATION and not mediCATION they asked if I would teach them how to meditate.  Of course I said yes and the first ever class was scheduled!

If I am being honest there was a part of me that was having a bit of a struggle with my new found direction. I loved doing the meditation and I had even begun doing mini readings.  I was also finding myself extremely drawn to the tarot (I like to joke that it was a lot easier to read tarot then to learn numerology or astrology…to much math, numbers, symbols and thinking). The problem I was having with all of it was that I was raised Catholic and I was seriously struggling with some of my new beliefs.  My biggest struggle was with using the tarot and doing readings.  I don’t ever remember anyone telling me anything specific (like I shouldn’t use them) but I just felt that it went against my religious beliefs (or did it).  Then one day something happened that would forever change my life.

I woke up early one morning and was lying in bed reading a book called Angel Talk.  In the book they suggested that when you are confused or can’t make a decision about something you should “ask your angels”.  It went on to tell you how to talk to your angels and it suggested that you ask your angels for a sign.  I remember laying the book on my chest, closing my eyes and saying…”Angels I really don’t know if I should be doing readings can you please send me a sign”. The next thing I remember was being awakened by the phone ringing.  I was startled as I didn’t remember being tired or falling asleep but there I was with the book still on my chest.  I grabbed the phone and there was a woman on the other end.  I call it the call that changed my life.  She told me that she wasn’t sure how she got my name (she said it was through a friend of a friend of a friend).  She said she needed to come get a reading with me asap.  I politely explained to her that I did not read professionally.  She insisted!  I have to tell you that there was just something about the tone in her voice.  It was like I could feel her urgency and her need for help.  I hesitantly said yes.  As I hung up the phone I saw the book sitting on the bed.  I started to remember what I was thinking about and what I had asked before I fell back to sleep.  Could it be? Did my angels really respond that quickly?  I asked for a sign if I was to do this work and I get a call from a total stranger asking me to do a reading.  It was all a little too much of a coincidence for me.  I took it as a sign and the rest is history!

In March of 1999 I got my DBA  (doing business as) for Spiritquest.  As I look back on the last 20 years there have been a lot of ups, a lot of downs, a LOT of sacrifices, a lot of achievements, a lot of rewarding moments and a lot of dreams made into reality.  I have had to put up with a lot and I mean a LOT over these last 20 years.  Some days the judgment, fear, negativity and hatefulness of others have led me to ask myself why I bother.  I could be super successful doing anything I choose to do so why put myself through all of it.  Why allow myself to be judged for simply being a psychic (which NEWSFLASH…everyone is psychic).

Running a business is hard work.  In fact some days it seems overwhelmingly impossible.  Running a business as a psychic is a whole other ballgame.  Yet, here I am over 25 years of reading under my belt and 20…yes 20 years as the owner of Spiritquest!  I have been through divorce, bankruptcy, an economy crash and on and on and on.  I have even moved the business from one state to another! It is sad that, all these years later, I still have to deal with fear and judgment of others…even after all I have accomplished.  However, at the end of the day as I look back, it is and has always been about the decision I made all those years ago when that first call for help came and I said yes!  For me the ONLY thing it has ever been about is the decision I made to dedicate my life to helping others and truly fulfilling MY life’s purpose.