(910) 444-2229

What the heck is going on?

April 2008 DH Canvas Unless you are hiding out in a cave somewhere, you are probably aware of all of the craziness going on in this country.  Not only that but you are most likely feeling the effects of it as well.  I have been doing a lot of thinking about things and...

What is a Message Circle

What is a Message Circle?  I started doing Message Circles a couple of years ago for two main reasons.  First, I found that many times clients had one question or one issue that they needed to address and they didn’t need to come in for a full session.  I also found...

Dream Visits

Feb  2008 DH Canvas Question: I recently lost a loved one and while other family members have had dreams and confirmation that they are okay I have had nothing.  Is my loved one who passed upset with me? Answer: My heart breaks every time I get asked this question. ...


Jan  2008 DH Canvas Happy New Year! For many years I worked in retail and on sales commission.  I always loved the month of January because everyone started with a clean slate!  It didn’t matter if you were the best or the worst in sales, in January everyone started...

Guides & Angels

Dec  2007 DH Canvas Question: Are our guides people we have known who have passed over? Thanks. Susan Actually they can be.  Guides can be loved ones who have passed, people we have known in previous lives, and sometimes they are people we have never met! I also would...

Positive Energy

DH Canvas Nov 2007 Question: How do you keep the positive energy flowing towards you and keep out the negative? Thanks, Moira The answer is….Conscious Choice.   Every day you have the choice to focus on the positive or the negative.  You have the choice to create or...