Years ago, I believe it was 1996, I wrote an article called “The Way of the Lightworker” which I eventually added to my blog on my website. The information I shared in that article had been given to me during a Past Life Regression. Before that Past Life Regression, I had never even heard the term Lightworker! In fact, it wasn’t until a year or so later that the actual term “Lightworker” would appear again! I was in a bookstore buying a gift when I turned around and saw “The Lightworker’s Way” written by Doreen Virtue. Talk about validation! If you are not familiar with the term “Lightworker” please take a moment to go and read the blog “The Way of the Lightworker” before continuing.
I cannot even begin to tell you in words how the information I was given that day resonated with me. I really think it was at that moment that my life’s mission became clear. It was also THAT information that would not only set me apart but sadly keep me at odds with many others in my field. In fact as a result of that experience and receiving the information I did, I have ALWAYS had a HUGE issue with “Psychics” and “Healers” who claim they were born with a special gift or those who say they are 9th or 10th (or whatever) generation psychic or healer. Why does that make me so upset? When you say that, you are making others think that they can’t do what you do and that is just absolutely untrue and ridiculous! As a Lightworker our job is to empower others. It is really that simple! EVERYONE is psychic and EVERYONE has healing abilities! Yes, everyone! I have been saying this since day one and will continue to.
Now let’s fast forward to 2012 when everyone was talking about the great Harmonic Convergence (the new energy that was coming in) and the ending of the Mayan Calendar. If you are not familiar with any of this I truly suggest you google it. As crazy as it sounds many people believed the world would be ending back then. I have to tell you that I never bought into the world ending the nonsense. Nope! I didn’t even stock up on water nor did I buy any canned food! But I will tell you that I do agree that something huge happened. On Dec 21, 2012, there was a big shift alright. I personally believe that shift separated the healing community in a huge way! Those who shifted into the new energy immediately understood what their responsibilities as Lightworkers were. They understood being a Healer was about truth, integrity and holding the light. Unfortunately, not everyone made the shift. Many Healer’s got caught in the old energy of Ego and they have been stuck in the FEAR mode ever since!
Now we fast forward to the present. In case you missed the announcement, this is my 20th Year as owner Spiritquest and it marks my 25th year in my field. I have seen a lot during these last 25 years. However, nothing makes me sadder than to see the times we are now in. I watch as Healers who are stuck in the old energy compete against each other instead of working with each other. I watch as they steal ideas from each other rather than collaborating. I observe as they feed into the fear and some even seem to instigate rather than holding the light. I watch as they do whatever they think will bring them more money rather than do what speaks to their heart. I watch, I listen and I am truly saddened by what I see. I do understand that it is because they are stuck in the FEAR. The fear of lack, of not being deserving, of not being successful and on and on. Some of them do not even realize that they are caught in the old energy so the cycle just continues. This is why I decided to write this blog.
I am reaching out to all Lightworker’s, all the true authentic healers. 2020 is right around the corner. Times are about to become even more intense and even more insane. Those of us who have made the shift know why we are here. We know that we chose to come down during this time for a reason. We chose to come and hold the light. We chose to spread hope and love. We chose to set an example and to assist all those around us to shine their own light. I so vividly remember the last paragraph of “The Lightworkers Way”:
During the Past Life Regression I mentioned earlier, I was told by the therapist to ask if I had met other Lightworkers in this life. I was told I had met many and would continue to meet many more. I was told I had met those who were truly Lightworker’s and those who pretended to be. The therapist then told me to ask how I am to know the difference. I was told, you will know it in your heart!
Not sure if you are stuck in the old energy? Here are some clues. If you answer yes to these you are stuck in the old energy!
- I find myself doing all the work to fix others. I often play the role of therapist, nurse, mother and on and on. After all, it is just easier for me to do it all for them.
- It is my jo
- b to rescue others no matter what the cost to me. That is how you prove you love someone. That is what healers do.
- I am exhausted and emotionally overwhelmed after watching the news or hearing about another horrific incident or story. Sometimes I end up in bed for days.
- I need to make sure others understand why they are wrong. I need to express my opinion so I can show others what is right.
If you have made the shift the following will truly resonate with you!
- I offer my love, support, knowledge, and encouragement to all who ask for it. However, I cannot do the work, fix anyone or rescue anyone.
- I know that when I rescue or force my help on others I am taking away their experience or lesson and that is coming from a place of ego.
- When I see or hear something on the news that is horrible or upsetting I look for ways to do something positive in my own community rather than spreading the fear.
- I respect everyone’s right to have their opinion even if I don’t agree.
My final thought: Recently I found myself very frustrated by the absolute lack of integrity that now seems to exist in our healing community. I was meditating on what I should do about a particular situation when I was given this message:
We know you are very angry but we ask you to imagine yourself in a dark room filled with hundreds of people. The room is so dark you can’t see your hand in front of you. There you are in the center, just one little person with one tiny match. However, when you light that match, that one tiny flame lights the entire room so everyone can see. That is why you find yourself in the center of darkness so often. You have a match! You have a match! You hold the light! You can help others to see!
You, my wonderful loving caring and amazing Lightworker friend also have a match. You are also in a room full of people lost in the dark (the anger and fear) and it is your match, your tiny little match that can light the way for all those in the room! Do not allow anyone to take that away from you. That is why we chose to come here during this historical energetic time. You got this! I got this! Together we WILL stay strong, we will keep spreading the love, hope and we WILL continue to help others find their own inner strength and power! AND WE WILL DO IT TOGETHER as a community of TRUE AUTHENTIC HEALERS!
Ps….if you haven’t already done so I invited all of you who resonated with this blog to join my private community on facebook called “Spiritquest Live”.
Thank you Lisa Ann for your dedication and support as we each become confident in our own truth and voice. Each of us has a role and Love always wins by just being true to one’s self. Together we will stay strong. You are appreciated..
Everything you said was so true. Like always you are continuing to guide the way!
I am with you and one of you. I am proud of you for stating your position and I value what you are doing. Maybe the planets of the critics were not favorable those times. so let us forgive them so that our light continues to shine. I call them unlearned.