Psychic Lisa Ann
I’m Lisa Ann, and I live by the belief that we’re here to create our own unique journey. As Ralph Waldo Emerson said,
“Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.”
Being a psychic isn’t just what I do—it’s who I am. It’s my purpose and passion to help you discover your own trail, heal from what holds you back, and manifest the life you’ve always dreamed of.
Together, we’ll uncover the magic and power within you to make your journey truly unforgettable.
Readings, Past Life, Healing, Coaching, Hypnosis
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Psychic Readings
Intuitive Healing
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Intuitive Coaching
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Past Life Sessions
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Hypnosis Sessions
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My Journey
Throughout my childhood, I had what I call “dream visions” (I would see events in my dreams as they were actually happening). I would also get “feelings” about people and places.
After I graduated high school, I lost a friend to suicide. It was then that I realized the “feelings” I would get were actually energies, sometimes of people who had passed.
In my early 20’s, I lost my beloved grandmother Jennie. My “dream visions” turned into “dream messages.” My grandmother would frequently come to me in my dream state and show me things before they would happen.
Several years later, I faced one of the most challenging periods of my life, filled with financial and personal stresses.
In the midst of it all, I decided to take a Spiritual Class—a decision that would forever change my life and mark the beginning of my true spiritual journey.
In October of 1998, my children and I survived a devastating car accident. (You can read the full story, "Our Little Miracle," linked below.) That experience reinforced my belief that I was here for a reason, though I didn’t yet know what it was.
Just three months later, my grandfather was diagnosed with colon cancer, and his passing gave me profound insights into the truth about life and death.
These back-to-back events shifted something deep within me. I became determined to uncover my purpose.

About Lisa Ann
- Psychic Medium
- Intuitive Healer
- Podcast Host
- Best Selling Author
- NLP Practitioner*
- Success & Life Coach*
- Clinical Hypnotherapist*
- Time Techniques Practitioner*
- Holistic Life Coach**
- EFT Practitioner**
- Reiki Master**
- Past Life Regression Practitioner**
- Creator of Guided Meditations
Founder of Spiritscent Essential Oil Line - Former TV & Radio Host
- Teacher & Speaker
*Lisa Ann is Board Certified through the International Board of Coaches and Practitioners.
** LisaAnn has received her certifications across multiple renowned institutions.

In 1995, I began offering Spiritual Readings—a step that felt like a natural extension of my growing spiritual journey.
By 1999, I established Spiritquest Healing Center and earned my certification as a Reiki Master.
Over the next several years, I continued expanding my knowledge and skills, becoming certified in Herbology, Past Life Regression (under Brian Weiss), and as an ordained minister.
In 2008, I added Holistic Life Coach certification through the Spencer Institute to my toolkit.
Helping others help themselves has been one of the greatest blessings of my life.
Through one-on-one sessions, meditation CDs, books, and workshops, I’ve had the privilege of reaching people in meaningful ways.
I’ve taught and lectured at schools, libraries, and corporate organizations and worked with inspiring groups like Project Liberty, Hospice, nursing homes, and mental health organizations. And I’ve organized my own Health and Healing Expos, connecting people to resources that nurture the body, mind, and spirit.
I’ve been fortunate to share my work on a larger scale as well, from hosting my TV show, “Create Your Reality with Lisa Ann,” to being the lead psychic investigator for the paranormal show “SCARED” (which aired locally in Staten Island and on PTN).
I’ve also been featured on several other TV programs, including HBO, the Sundance Channel, and various local stations.
Radio has been another incredible platform—whether as co-host of “Walt and LA Live” or “The Paranormal Outsider,” or as a guest on numerous shows. I’ve even contributed columns to various publications and had my work featured in several books.

In 2013, I took the biggest leap of faith ever when I packed myself up and moved to North Carolina!
I swore I would not have another “center” and instead would just work out of other shops.
That is when I met my now fantabulous huband, Kyle. After about 6 months, he convinced me that my schedule was getting a little crazy and I needed to have my own place again.

So in May 2014, I opened up “Spiritquest Healing Center and Angel Gift Shop” right in between the absolutely breathtaking beaches of Sunset and Ocean Isle!
But after the first year in the new location, it became quite clear that I needed more space.
After months and months of looking the perfect spot appeared! It was on April 1st, 2016 (my grandmothers birthday-yes I did that on purpose) that I opened in my new location!
The new space was more than three times the space as the first location which allowed me to bring in even more wonderful products and services.
Then the Universe through me a curveball when the tenant on the other side of the building announced he was moving and asked me if I wanted to take over the other side of the building.
It was decision time. I could either stay put or take yet another huge leap of faith and take over the other side.
Memorial Day weekend of 2017 we broke through the wall and started our expansion to the other side! Creating a 4,000 sq ft Healing Center!
Then 2020 rolled in. Kyle and I would be married that year on Feb 22, 2020. One month and one day later the world would forever change. Covid struck and like so many others, our business was forced to close. First, I had a mini melt-down. Okay, honestly it was a HUGE meltdown. However, then I took action!
I started "Happy Hour with Guided Meditation" as a free weekly zoom gathering to assist my clients with all the stress that we were all going through.
Then I wrote a letter to the state and got permission ot reopoen as I knew our services were needed now more than ever before! We worked hard, made the necessary changes and continued on.
In 2021 we decided, along with several other family members that it was time for us to all move closer togerher. That is when we packed up and moved our shop to Southern Pines, NC.
2023 The shop was running smoothly enabling me to start returning to NY to work a little more often. It was a win-win! I would go to work for a few days and get to visit my beautiful grandkids while I was there.
In 2024 Spiritquest proudly celebrated it's 25th year in business!
Truth is you can move from the beach but you can't take the beach out of your soul. This January 2025 we will be opening our office in Calabash, NC the town where my North Carolina journey all began. Stay tuned as the story isn't done just yet!

They call me the Queen of Manifesting!
I feel so blessed and I continue to share my gifts and abilities with others.
I am able to provide guidance through my Reading Sessions, comfort through my Medium Sessions, healing to the body, mind, and soul through my Intuitive Healing/Reiki Sessions, understanding through Past Life Regression Sessions, guidance and encouragement through my Life Coaching and inner peace through my Meditation Classes and Workshops.
I am able to provide a space for other gifted practitioners to offer their services as well as offer some of the newest technologies.
And I'm honored to now be part of your journey.
Lisa Ann
More about Lisa Ann
- “At Home with LA” YouTube Channel
- “Create Your Reality with Lisa Ann” – former host Access 23 TV NY
- “SCARED” Paranormal Show – former head of the Psychic Division.
Lisa Ann has also been featured in:
- Sundance Channel Love/Lust -The
- Paranormal Neighborhood Journal
- Exploring Your World
- HBO (House Arrest)
- “Walt and LA Live” – former co-host WTBQ 1110am 93.5fm NY
- “The Paranormal Outsiders”- former co-host with “Old Hip”.
- “Into the Weekend with Walt u0026amp; Benzee” – former guest and fill in co-host WTBQ 1110am 93.5fm NY
Lisa Ann has made Guest Appearances on:
- Soul Smack Radio
- Scared Radio
- The Comedy Point
- Shannon’s Corner with Shannon
- Devereaux Sanford
- The Paranormal Python Radio
- EErie Radio
- APSR Radio
- Universal Thoughts” – Lisa Ann’s column was featured in “Sacandaga Digest” NY
- “Psychically Speaking” – Lisa Ann’s column was featured in Du0026amp;H Canvas NY
Lisa Ann had several featured articles in The Times Herald Record:
- We made the paper!
- 5 Questions With A Reiki Master
- Local Psychics Share What They See For 2006
- She Hears The Dead
- Best Seller! Becoming Positively Awesome!
- No Phones in Heaven”
- “Past Lives – Have I Been Here Before?”
- Get Inspired!
Lisa Ann has been featured in several books:
- Ghost Hunter Series by Linda. Zimmerman – featured in several of her books.
- The Ghost Detective by Michael J. Worden
- Angelic Whispers – creator
- Body * Mind* Spirit – creator
- Create Your Reality – creator
& More
- Spiritscents Essential Oil line – creator