Our Little Miracle


People ask me all the time, "what do you say to people that don't believe in any of this life after death stuff?" My response is always the same, "I'll see you on the other side and you will be owing me a big apology."

I have had the amazing blessing of meeting many, many people who have had first hand experiences with deceased loved ones, angels and spirit guides. I have also had many of these experiences myself. This particular experience I am going to share changed my life forever.

My son 9, my daughter 4 and I were heading home. It was Fri Oct 9, 1999. I was on a major highway with a speed limit of 65 mph. It was wet, raining on and off, and there was a lot of traffic due to the holiday weekend. I was driving my little Mercury Mystique (which is the size of a Ford Contour). We were just a mile of so from our exit when suddenly in my rearview mirror I saw a car right on my back bumper. He was so close that I jumped when I caught the glimpse of him (for the sake of the story I will refer to the other driver as "he" and "him"). I immediately put on my blinker and prepared to move over into the right lane. Unfortunately, there was a Ryder Moving Truck that was right along side of me and I was unable to switch lanes. By now the man behind me was frantically flashing his lights and waving at me. I waved back and pointed to the truck trying to make him understand I couldn't go anywhere. He was now so close that I was unable to see his license plate. I was terrified he was going to hit us. I made the decision to pass the Ryder truck so I could move over and get out of "his" way.. As I passed the truck I soon realized there was another car in front of it. He was still right on my tail. "He" was flashing and waving. I had to get out of the way so I squeezed myself between the truck and the other vehicle. I waited for him to pass. It seemed like it took forever and I remembering saying to my son, "where is he, he was in such a hurry." My son informed me he was right along side of us, giving us dirty looks. I turned my head to the left and sure enough there he was. He rode along side of us just glaring and then proceeded ahead.

I waited until he was far enough ahead and I returned to my lane. He was now about 2 car lengths ahead. Suddenly he began to accelerate and take off. It was at this time I began to accelerate to resume my original speed. As my car started to pick up speed I saw his brake lights come on. I remember so vividly the anger I immediately felt. What a jerk, brakechecking on a wet road. I will never forget the incredible pain I felt in the pit of my stomach when within a split second I realized he wasn't brakechecking me, he was stopping.

I immediately pulled the wheel as hard as I could to the right and slammed my brakes. I couldn't believe it. Somehow I made it around him. My heart was pounding and the adrenalin was flowing. I did it, I made it. I had somehow made it around him and was now riding side by side with him. Suddenly his car veered into my lane. His passenger side came smashing into my middle, back driver side. The impact sent us into a violent spin.

We were now spinning out of control at 65 miles an hour on a busy highway. The kids were screaming out of control. All I could think about were all the tractor trailers I had passed earlier. I knew we would be hit again and I was waiting for the sound of yet another impact. I wish I could tell you it was just like those things you see on TV, but it wasn't. I didn't have time to pray and I didn't have a life review. I remembered trying to remember what the date was. I couldn't believe I was going to die at 31 years of age with my two children in the car and over something so stupid. Time just seemed to stop. Although this all happened within seconds, to this day when I recount the events I am amazed at ALL that took place within those few seconds. It was at that moment I heard the voice.

The voice spoke gently but firmly and was quite loud. "Listen to me," said the voice. "No matter what you do, do not let go of the wheel". "Hold on as tight as you can." "If you hit your head you won't be able to get the kids out, just hold on". I immediately began screaming to the children. Hold on. Hold on as tight as you can. The children were screaming out of control. We were still spinning and there was nothing I could do. I had closed my eyes and was waiting to feel the next impact from one of the vehicles behind me. I opened my eyes and saw the car heading for a guardrail. On the other side was a 20-foot drop and we were heading straight for it.

To this day I still cannot fully explain in words what happened next. I remember knowing I was going to die. I remeMber my only thought was of my children. Why did they have to be in the car with me. The next thing I remember was an incredible feeling of falling. I was sure we had broken through the guardrail and I could feel us falling. Then there was a loud bang.

I do not know if I lost conciousness. I remember such quiet. I remember thinking, am I dead. I think I am dead. I was so confused. Then I heard my son screaming uncontrollably, "mommie, don't die, mommie don't leave us, you can't leave us." He just kept saying it over and over and over in an angry tone, as if I went somewhere without him. I then felt a coldness dripping down my face. I remember thinking, well I must be alive if I feel that, but why is he (my son) screaming like that. I slowly opened my eyes.

The air bag was still deflating and as it came down I could see out the front windshield. I couldn't believe my eyes. The roof of my car and windshield had caved in and was now about six inches from my forehead. Lined up right where the roof and windshield meet was the guardrail. The car was filled with smoke and I was beginning to panic. I heard the voice again, "you are okay, stay calm, you are okay, the smoke is from the air bag, stay calm and don't panic."

I now heard my son again still screaming and struggling to get out of his seat belt. He was screaming that he had to get out and was trying to climb out the window that had blown out during the impact.
It was at this moment that I realized I hadn't heard anything from my daughter. I immediately became nausea and panic filled my entire being. Fear took over. I remember thinking okay what do I want here. I can't pick one child to live. I can't lose one of my children. If one of us goes then I hope we all go. I heard the voice again, "you need to calm down, take a deep breath and turn around". "I don't want to", I said. I was sure we had gone over the cliff. I was sure my daughter had been thrown from the car. I did not want to turn around. "Turn around", the voice said this time more firmly. I closed my eyes, took a deep breath and turned around.

If I live to be 100 years old and suffer from Alzheimer's I will never forget what I saw next. I turned around and saw my two beautiful children, my precious gifts from God sitting in white lights. They were untouched. It was as if someone lifted them out of the car, let the car crash, and then slipped them back in. The impact was so severe that all the windows on the left side were blown out. There was glass everywhere. All lose items in the car had been thrown all over. Yet, the children didn't have a scratch on them. I kept telling them, "we are okay, our angels are here and they were taking care of us".

By now my son was half out the window. I realized I if I could crawl out of my seat I could get out the passenger side. I swung the door opened and climbed out. I was absolutely shocked to find out we hadn't gone off the cliff. We were right on the side of the highway and cars were buzzing by.
I was covered in blood, standing in the highway screaming for help. It seemed like no one would stop. I couldn't believe no one was stopping. I felt a hand on my shoulders and turned around to see the man in the Ryder truck. As he helped me around the car I turned to look at the car. My knees went weak and I felt myself falling to the ground, my body began trembling and I was overwhelmed by emotion.

My car was lodged under the guardrail. The car had hit the guardrail and spun around taking out 7 guardrail posts. The force of the impact was so strong it blew out all the windows on the left side. The wheels on the left side had actually caved under the frame of the car. The drivers' door was smashed in but the window frame had torn out leaving hanging metal. My car was facing against the traffic. A clicker that had been on the visor was thrown 15 feet from the car and all that was left were little electronic pieces. Earlier that day my daughter had gotten a school box filled with scissors and crayons. The box, crayons, and scissors were thrown from the vehicle and were now laying all over the highway. The most shocking sight was the front tires which stopped literally inches from the edge of the cliff! The hood had lifted up and was actually caught up in the guardrail. All the rescue people kept telling me how "lucky" I was to be alive. They (unneccessarily) informed me that if the car had gone another few inches I would have been killed instantly by the blow to the head from the guardrail (which was lined up perfectly with my forehead).

We had just got home from the emergency room. The children, myself and my mother were sitting around the table. The kids were eating. Now I need to explain that in our house we are very open about what mommie does. My daughter is very gifted herself and since the age of two (before I became involved on my Spiritual path) she would tell you detailed stories about angels and heaven. My grandmother Jennie had passed away 4-1/2 years before my daughter was born. Yet, my daughter would (since 2 years old) tell you very detailed information about her great-grandmother and she insists to this day that she lived with her in heaven. So when I asked them the following question I expected a YES. I asked the children if they saw angels when we crashed. To my SHOCK they both said no. It was then my daughter with a mouth full of food said, "but I did see grandma Jennie". My mother pursued it further. "What do you mean you saw grandma Jennie?" my mom asked. "I saw grandma Jennie when we crashed", she said quite indignantly. She went on to explain, "I saw grandma Jennie when we crashed. She was by the engine." "The engine", my mother said. "Yes", she said quite annoyed. "She was by mommie's head, pushing the engine." she explained.

The only reason I am alive today is because when the car went under the guardrail the hood popped open and caught the guardrail, stopping it where it did. If that hood didn't come up I would be dead. Some call it luck. I say thank you GRANDMA JENNIE, our angels and guides. It obviously wasn't our time to go and divine intervention made sure we would stay right here!


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