Important Updates

We are now in Phase 2 of our move back to the beach!

Southern Pines, NC
Our retail shop is now closed and we no longer have walk-in hours. We are no longer offering on-line booking for this location. To book a service at this location, please call or email us.

Calabash, NC
Kyle and I are currently seeing clients at our temporary office in Calabash, NC. Online booking is available for this location. However, do not hesitate to call or email us if you do not see the date and time you need.

Call us (910)444-2229
Email us
Please include service, length of service, date and time you are looking for.

  • Lisa Ann Studer

    Readings, Past Life Sessions
    Intutive Healing, Hypnosis
    Personal & Business Coaching,
    Reiki Certification i

    Learn More 
  • Kyle Studer

    Kyle Studer

    Massage, Cupping, Reiki,
    Crystal Healing, Astrology Reports

    LMBT NC #18395 LMT FL #MA64914
    Learn More 

Shop our online store

Shop will be back online shortly...we are still in the process of moving this section of the website to it's new home! Thank you for your patience:)

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5 Years in a row!

Thank you to all our wonderful clients and customers! We greatly appreciate you!
